Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Craft Project

I do hope that Paul likes this project, I made it for him.  Paul is currently away on business and in his absence I sneaked into his study and took a precious memento without his knowledge.

His dear Dad started his career as a PC in the Metropolitan Police Force, and he sadly passed away in November, but Paul took from his house his old police whistle of which he has fond memories of as a child.  It's been sitting doing nothing for the past 2 months so I thought I would try and "do" something with it, so off I went to The Range for supplies.  And this is what I made for him, I hope he likes it.....

The writing at the bottom is his Dad's full name and the years he lived, it was drawn by my Silhouette in a silver pen as I wanted the colour to match the whistle.  The whistle is mounted with silver wire holding it up, which surprisingly enough wan't as easy as I thought it would be, and I have the pin pricks in my fingers to prove it!  The bottom right corner looks smudged, but I promise, that's just the picture, it's fine in real life.

I shall now go and find some wall space in his study and hang it before he gets home on Friday.

Thanks for looking xxx